37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing

AMPERE's researchers are taking part in the 37th edition of the ACM/SIGAPP International Symposium on Applied Compputing. The paper presented at the conference introduces PARTSim, an open-source power/thermal-aware simulator for embedded real-time systems. This tool is a fork of the well-known RTSim simulator, which can simulate the timing behavior of a set of real-time tasks with various characteristics when running on a multi-processor platform in presence of a number of real-time scheduling policies. PARTSim extends the functionality of RTSim by introducing support for power-aware embedded platforms exhibiting frequency scaling and specific architectural patterns like the ARM big.LITTLE and DynamIQ ones.
G. Ara, T. Cucinotta, A. Mascitti. "Simulating Execution Time and Power Consumption of Real-Time Tasks on Embedded Platforms," in Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP International Symposium on Applied Compputing (ACM SAC 2022), April 25-29, 2022, Brno, Czech Republic (on-line event due to Covid-19).