ARTEMIS article about AMPERE as a CPS success story

ARTEMIS article about AMPERE as a CPS success story
Dayana Fernandes Muzzetto

AMPERE was featured on ARTEMIS news section in an article titled 'AMPERE and Senate: Success Stories in the Spotlight' on 11 May 2021.

The article focuses on how ARTEMIS has turned its attention to advanced cyber-physical systems (CPS), and the importance of how these pave the way for major technological shifts in Europe and beyond. Then it goes into how the project aims to bridge the gap between the model-driven engineering used in CPS and the parallel programming models used in high-performance computing and later this information is complemented by quotes from Eduardo Quiñones, AMPERE's coordinator, that shed a light on how this objective will be achieved.

Finally, more details about the project are shared such as the efforts done to bring awareness to it and its regular contact with the committees of some of the programming languages used in both computing domains (e.g. OpenMP and Ada) used within the project.

Read the whole article here.



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